Who can rent a car from Mobil ?
Corporate companies and commercial organizations may request vehicles from us. We do not have a quantity limit, we also serve customers who want one vehicle.
How can I apply for car rental ?
Our phone number is 0312 447 5 447 , info@mbl.com.tr you can request from our email address or contact form
What kind of vehicles do you rent ?
Passenger cars and all-terrain vehicles.
How long is the rental period for fleet leasing ?
We can rent in your preferred term from 12 months to 36 months.
How long do you supply the vehicle when I rent a fleet ?
We are able to supply the selected vehicles in manufacturer / distributor stocks within 7 days after signing the contract.
Can we rent the cars we have rented from you to third parties ?
Vehicles rented by the lessee cannot be rented to third parties under any circumstances.
At what stage does the delivery process of the rented vehicles start and how do the vehicles get delivered?
The delivery process starts with the delivery of the license plates, delivery and return dates of the vehicles leased by MBL OTOMOTIV to the lessee and the delivery of the original contract annex to MBL Otomotiv with the seal and signature of the lessee. The tenant can take delivery of the vehicle by the MBL automotive authority.
What is the advantage of the mileage limited offer ?
Mileage-limited rentals cost less, but save money for the user.
**The information contained on this page is intended to provide information to our guests. MBL Otomotiv reserves the right to update, modify or cancel this information over time.